[Info] Siege Battle Improvement News 2022.10.06


​Greetings from the Summoners War Dev Team!


Today, we are excited to talk about the improvements we will be making in one of your favorite content - [Siege Battle]!

Our team has added many new guild content such as [Tartarus’ Labyrinth], [Siege Battle], [World Guild Battle] along with the guild related features such as [Guild Achievements], [Guild Activity Points] and more.

However, we are aware that Summoners may feel a bit of burden with this wide variety of content, especially with [Siege Battle], which can be considered as end-game content.

Thus, we have reviewed the content thoroughly and would like to share what we will be bringing to our users to make [Siege Battle] better. Some of them will be adjusting the timetable and duration, which will be discussed later in this note.

We will first give you the summarized contexts and elaborate more in detail.


■ The battle time will be adjusted from 23 hours to 12 hours.

: A siege battle which took place for 23 hours on two separate days will be changed to 12 hours in one day.

: The battle will start at 12pm on Mondays and Thursdays and end at midnight.


■ Siege points given according to the no. of bases occupied will be changed.

- Siege points, which were greatly increased when your guild occupied 13 bases, will be changed in the format that will increase gradually when your guild occupied 13 to 20 bases.


■ Some of the battlefield designs will be changed.

- Your guild’s 8th and 12th bases will now be linked to the opponent guild’s 11th and 9th bases through a diagonal route, allowing the guilds to occupy different bases in a more strategic way.


■ The season period will be changed from 3 months to 4 months.

: The period of [Siege Battle], which had been held for 3 months including the tournament period, will be adjusted to be 4 months.


■ Battle rewards and season rewards have been adjusted.

- The ratio of guild points given as a battle reward according to the siege points has been increased. In addition, the season reward given at the end of each season has been upgraded.


Now that we covered the main points for each topic, we will now go over each of them in more detail.


▶ Siege Battle Timeline Changes

Please take a look at the table below to see how the changed timeline will look like.


We thought it was necessary to shorten the overall time of siege battle with the new guild content added throughout the updates.

As you are well aware, [Siege Battle] requires a focused gameplay to see what’s changing and happening on the battlefield to come up with a proper strategy. However, this was not easy when one siege battle period continues for 23 hours (2 days).

The new schedule will allow you to enjoy the siege battle for two days in one week, and enjoy other contents on other weekdays.


This 12 hours of gameplay may lessen the burden to some extent, but we are aware of the time difference that affects many guilds in Global or Europe servers and how this change may affect the overall balance of siege battle.

We want to assure you that we will conduct a thorough monitoring of siege battle gameplays to adjust and improve the changes we are planning to make.


Our team thought that we cannot just change the timeline and maintain the same siege battle rules, as the shortened duration will surely bring a different gameplay strategy from guilds.

So we have decided to improve and change some of the siege battle rules, as we will explain below.


▶ Bonus Siege Points Increasing Value Changes


Not all Summoners will enter and play the siege battle at the same time. And now that the duration is shortened by half, we would have to take a measure that will avoid the situation in which the battle will end too early or become one-sided in the beginning and to maintain the tension of the fierce battle to a certain extent.


Here’s a table that shows how the additional siege points will be granted over the course.


As you can see, the points that increase greatly when your guild occupied 13 bases will be changed in a format that the points will increase gradually in order when your guild occupied 13 bases to 20 bases.

This change will help the battle to not end at the early phase of the battle.


▶ Battlefield Design Changes


If the maintenance time for the occupied base is maintained at one hour, there may be an incident where there are no bases available to attack under certain circumstances.

And with the new shortened period, this could have a greater impact on the victory of siege battle.

To resolve this, our team discussed two plans - 1. Shortening the base maintenance time and 2. Improving the battlefield design to increase the no. of bases that can be attacked.


After much consideration, we have decided to change the design of the battlefield so that it could create more diverse strategies.


Creating new routes to connect more bases will provide more options for attacking the opponent’s bases, which will naturally lead to guilds to come up with more diverse strategies.


The following image shows the new routes that will be added to the battlefield.


The above image shows that the diagonal route has been added to the three parts.

Each guild’s 8th base (4-star base) and 12th base are connected to the opponent’s 11th and 9th bases with a diagonal path.

These new connections will allow each guild to attack more bases, which will be essential with the shortened battle period.


Our team is also reviewing to change the battlefield design little by little over time by looking at the siege battle data.

Frequent changes may cause confusion, so we will be careful with the battlefield design changes.


The existing siege battle is held for 2 days (23 hours in total), and there were often times when the siege battle would end earlier than expected, and that some guild members could not use the attack chances properly.

We wanted to improve this matter by adjusting the additional siege point system and battlefield design, so that Summoners who play the siege battle later in the day can also use their attack chances and contribute to the victory of their guild in siege battle.


Moreover, we also plan to reduce the overall stress of the siege battle by adjusting the entire schedule of the siege battle season.

Please continue to read below for further explanation.


▶ Siege Battle Season Cycle Changed to 4 Months


One siege battle season will now last for 4 months instead of 3 months, which will be implemented to the 11th season.

The siege battle tournament period will also be changed, from 2 weeks to 3 weeks.

Please note that the siege battle tournament change period will be applied to this season, and the overall season cycle change will be applied to the next season (11th season). In other words, the 11th season will begin in December 2022 and end in March, 2023.


We have prepared another table to show the overall flow of the siege battle season and tournament.


Siege battle tournament will begin on Thursday in the last week of the season, and a week of break will be happening after the siege battle tournament is over.

Guilds will use this one week of break to prepare for the next season. Also, we are planning to hold various guild events, so you can use other guild content during this time.


Some of you may worry that the reduced battle time and increased season cycle will impact the rewards in a negative way.

We are excited to say that we have also improved the siege battle rewards!


▶ Battle Reward and Season Reward Upgrades


The season rewards will be changed as follows.


Did you notice the amount of in-game currency that increased greatly and that siege battle season transmog will be given to all guilds that advance to the siege battle tournament?


We are positive that this is great news to the guilds that advanced to the tournament but could not obtain the transmogs.

Crystals that increased by more than double and transmogs available for all guilds that advance to the tournament will surely encourage more guilds to participate and play hard in the siege battle.

The discussed season reward changes will be applied to the current season (10th season), so make sure to team up with your guild to get a chance to obtain the [Noble Bride Paladin] transmog!


Let us now explain how the battle rewards will change now.


As you can see, the percentage of guild points obtainable has increased significantly compared to before. This will allow you to feel a greater sense of reward even if the battle time is reduced.


The existing guild points were given at a certain rate for each rank from the siege points obtained by guilds.

In line with the siege battle improvement, we would like to change the method of calculating the siege points obtained at the end of each battle.

The final points that the rank 1 guild obtained will be changed to 20,000 points (the MAX points obtained in the siege battle), and the points of rank 2 and 3 guilds will also be adjusted by the changed ratio to provide the battle rewards.


Here’s an example of this change.


Three guilds ended the siege battle with Guild A having 16,000pts, Guild B having 12,000pts and Guild 3 having 10,000pts.

Guild A that won the siege battle will have their points corrected additionally by 25% to have 20,000pts. Guild B and C will also have this ratio (25%) applied, having 15,000pts and 12,500pts respectively.


This may look confusing, but we have prepared this calculation method so you won’t receive less rewards with the shortened battle time.


In addition, the converted siege points will only be used as a basis for reward payment, and the actual siege points are used for battle records and total siege points.


Hope you all look forward to the renewed siege battle!


Lastly, we would like to talk about the additional changes that will be implemented along with the siege battle improvements.


▶ Others: Additional Siege Battle Improvements


◈ Additional Siege Battle Rewards for Guild Master and Vice Guild Masters

- Guild master and vice guild masters who put their effort into managing their guilds will receive additional rewards from the siege battle season end reward.

The following rewards are what our team has in mind for now.


In addition, each guild will now allow to have 4 vice guild masters.

We believe that not only our team but also many Summoners acknowledge the time and effort the guild masters and vice guild masters spend to manage their guilds in the game. 

Please note that this additional reward plan was made considering the equity with other guild members. We will continue to discuss and review the appropriate rewards.


◈ MAX Special Bases Changed to 3 Special Bases (Starting with Season 10 Siege Battle Tournament)

- We will be increasing the MAX special bases from 2 to 3, so each guild can utilize the special bases in a more strategic way. Right now, there are three special base rules and you can select two to use.

Starting with the season 10 siege battle tournament, there will be three special base rules and you can select all three to use in each special base.

We are also considering increasing the special bases even more, but this will take place after monitoring the siege battle tournaments in-depth.


◈ Guild Shop Weekly Shop Purchase Count Change

- With the increased rewards, we will also be increasing the weekly purchase counts at the Guild Shop and Guild Seal shop as below.


※ We would like to give you an additional notice regarding the season reward distribution.


Due to the siege battle improvement, the season schedule will also be changed.

We are aware that the change in the middle of the season may cause confusion for Summoners.


The season rewards are given to the guild members who have joined the guild at least one month before. As we did not provide a proper explanation to this extent, we will be providing the season rewards to the Summoners who have joined their guilds before Oct. 12th 12am (server time).


We apologize for the confusion and please be advised of the information mentioned above.


This is all we have for today’s note!

As we mentioned before, we wanted to improve the Siege Battle to be fun content with less burden and satisfying rewards.

We want to note that this is not the end of the improvement, but rather a start of the improvement and positive change to the Siege Battle. Our team will monitor the content and listen to your feedback to make Siege Battle more fun with a high degree of perfection.

We are targeting to release the siege battle improvement update in mid October. We expect that you will be able to play the improved siege battle from the siege battle that will take place on Oct. 17th. 

We know that the update will be released in the middle of the season, but we wanted to make sure you experience the improved version as soon as the update is ready, which will be in mid October. We ask for your kind understanding.


(The developer’s note is intended to help you understand the upcoming update in advance. As development and testing are still underway, we ask you to understand that the actual update may be different from what we have shared in this note.)


We will be back with another dev note before you know it!

Thank you.​